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Space Availability - Homestead Cybrarium

The meeting rooms' primary purpose is conducting Cybrarium programs and services, which will have priority in scheduling. The secondary purpose of the meeting rooms is to provide community meeting spaces for programming that aligns with the Cybrarium mission.

  • A Cybrarium card in good standing is required to reserve a meeting room.
  • Meeting rooms can be reserved up to sixty (60) days in advance and are available during normal operating hours.
  • Meeting rooms may be rented on an hourly basis:
    • $50/hour for the 1st-floor Program / Meeting Room
    • $75/hour for the 2nd-floor Program / Meeting Room
    • Payment is completed on the day of the reservation at the Cybrarium's service desk.
  • Governmental, educational, nonprofit, and other similar community groups are exempt from meeting room fees based on the Cybrarium's Facilities Use Policy. Note: Reservation charges are waived at the time of approval by Cybrarium staff.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding